
MendiNg old and new terriTORIES

the REVERSal of landscapes transMUTATION of bodies

alchemizing the spACE between inSIDE and OUTside rePLANTing utopias

a DIFFERent notion of FREEdom

CulTiVating forgotten persPectives

In their current work, Project SARA continues to reflect on environmental issues. Bruno Latour’s book “After Lockdown- A Metamorphosis” serves as a compass to reflect on the necessary re-orientation of earth’s inhabitants facing inevitable changes caused by climate mutation.

Project SARA is an artist collective formed by Radek Hewelt and Strictly Fluid. In their collaboration they introduce a body of work in which elements of visual arts, performative practices and the conceptual contexts play an equal role. In their latest works Project SARA has been reflecting on environmental issues, consequences of global warming, awareness of nature and science-fiction aesthetics.

Velvet Ontheground

A Project by Strictly Fluid, Photography by Radek Hewelt & Strictly Fluid

The Return Of Uncommon Tales

Science has agreed, that unless something is done, and done quickly, mankind as the dominant species of life on earth will be extinct within a year. Join the four most uncommon minds on their quest to answer baffling questions, searching for solutions how to overturn this catastrophic prediction of our planet.

“The Return Of Uncommon Tales” is a visual story telling project that doesn’t follow a linear dramaturgy but rather unfolds itself through disjointed narratives. The story is told through fictional characters that correlate with the naïve approach to storytelling of the early science fiction films.

A Project by Project SARA

Baby The Rain Must Fall

Fashion Film for Strictly Fluid Clothing by Project SARA

Stardust Bodies

_Every object in the universe, everything around us, and everything we are originated from stardust. Stardust continuously flows through us, directly connecting us to the universe, rebuilding our bodies over and over again._

Karel & Iris Schrijver - Living with the Stars

A Project by Strictly Fluid, Photography by Radek Hewelt & Strictly Fluid

Inv_nting A _ew W_rld Chapter II "Insideout"

"It is as necessary to have air, water, plants, insects, birds, fish, and mammals as it is to have brains, hearts, lungs, and stomachs. The former are our external organs in the same way that the latter are our internal organs. If then, we can no more live without the things outside than without those inside, the plain inference is that the words “I” and “myself ” must include both sides. The sun, the earth, and the forests are just as much features of your own body as your brain." _ Alan W. Watts

A Project by Strictly Fluid, Photography by Radek Hewelt, Video by Strictly Fluid

The Levitation Of Waste

In this photo series Project SARA has reenacted the act of throwing human left-overs that were collected in coincidentally encountered locations. These items were propelled through the air and have been photographed in the moment of levitation. The resulting series of images presents a counter movement to their usual path. Instead of approaching the ground they seem to float away.

A Project by Project SARA


A Project by Strictly Fluid

My Roots Are Everywhere

“My Roots Are Everywhere” is a project that experiments with clothing and textiles emerging from the themes of cultural roots, migration and environmental changes.

By combining textiles and clothing pieces from diverse cultural, environmental and aesthetic contexts this project elaborates on the thought when clothing make borders obsolete.

A Project by Strictly Fluid, Photography by Radek Hewelt & Strictly Fluid

Echoes Of Fading Myths

“When the real is no longer what it was, nostalgia assumes its full meaning. There is a plethora of myths of origin and of signs of reality – a plethora of truth, of secondary objectivity, and authenticity.” J. Baudrillard

“Echoes Of Fading Myths” is part of the project “The Desert Of The Real Itself” by Project SARA. The project reflects on the future after warming, deficiencies of organic resources, disappearance of artifacts and the absence of memorable cultural codes.

A Project by Project SARA

The Desert Of The Real Itself

The Anthropocene transforms into permanent simulacra. Due to the progressive depletion of natural resources reality is being replaced by simulations, in which nostalgia plays a significant role.
"The desert of the real itself" reflects on the future after warming, deficiencies of organic resources, disappearance of artifacts and the absence of memorable cultural codes.

A Project by Project SARA